Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to remove cat urine smell from flooring

Older cats inevitably have those questionable "accidents" associated with pet parents simply not responding quick enough to whatever the animal wants.  Whether it's attitude or illness, the destruction of flooring and your home by the smell of cat urine requires heavy duty action to repair the damage.

Instead of purchasing a one-way ticket to the vet, give the method in this article a try. Baking soda, peroxide and a scrub brush.  The smell will be gone!

Friday, April 9, 2010

How to help your shy cat become friendlier

As the years go by, the behavior of a shy cat can increase with the loss of hearing and eyesight. All pets benefit from constant contact with pet parents to ground the animal and provide security.

Check out this article for information on how to help your shy cat become friendlier - even your old shy kitty.